How To Throw A Cast Net / One Handed Lunkerdog Style /Mullet Run

Very Best Cast Net Throw Technique by Lunkerdog. One handed stay dry no teeth "Ninja Style" cast net throw by Captain Jeff Maggio the Lunkerdog.

This is the best cast net throwing technique and its not close. Do you understand? This is not up for debate like braid versus mono. If you need to learn how to throw a cast net, you van piece together the Ninja Cast Net videos a lot like how the NFL pieces together video to be able to determine review and confirm or overturn calls in the games. In this cast net throw Captain Jeff nets several dozen hogleg mullet in one cast from a moving boat. This is advanced cast netting technique. Do you understand how to throw a cast net now? The easiest way to throw a cast net is by watching videos and duplicating what you see. First hold the net in your dominant hand, then throw it with a spinning motion as you twist your wrist towards your body and release the net. If you do it properly the net should open fully. Practice throwing your net on grass, don't throw your net on the bait spots as it will ruin the spots for other fisherman that can throw a cast net and get bait with just one or two throws.


  1. Your post is really impressive and it has lots of knowledge in learning how to throw a cast net keep share your valuable knowledge with us. shimano stradic ci4


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