New Fishing Reel Oil and Lube - Battle Born

Captain Jeff using the Battle Born Lube on a Fin Nor Sport Fisher

We love it when YouTube viewers send us stuff. Last week we got a package in the mail from a viewer named Steve. He noticed our struggles trying to keep these reels functional after putting them through a a couple severe months of catching huge River Tarpon. Steve sent us the Battle Born lubrication kit to try out. Thats awesome, if you have watched out videos over the years you have seen a few videos where Jeff struggles with the OEM oils that often come when buying a new boxed reel. They don't tend to throw in the oil when you buy a ready made combo, but if you go through combos at the rate we do, you tend to slap new reels on old rods. The Battle Born kit contained one bottle of oil, and a a tube of lube with an excellent delivery system by way of syringe. Check out the video. We will let you know how the Battle Born lubrication system worked as soon as we put this reel back on another 100 big fish.

Video via BDSMobile



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