Huge Inshore Tarpon Action - Lunkerdog

Ryan Joupi's River Tarpon fishing with Captain Jeff Maggio

March and April were pretty epic for Tarpon fishing in Fort Lauderdale Florida. Ryan Joupi, a well known Snook and Redfish guy from the Treasure Coast, took full advantage of the Spring Tarpon bite by coming down and fishing multiple sessions with his girlfriend. On his first trip he hooked this monster river Tarpon fishing with Captain Jeff Maggio aka The Lunkerdog. River Tarpon fishing is a little different than other places that hold big Tarpon like Boca Grande for several reasons. The biggest reason is that you are targeting these fish inside a canal that is only 30 to 40 feet wide. Other reasons are the depth of the water is as little as 6 feet most of the time, and often much less. THis fish was caught using live mullet on 20lb class (mono) with a 60lb leader (mono). Unlike Boca Grande, South Florida holds big Tarpon 12 months a year. Not always in the same spots, and not always on the same baits. For example, the Miami/Biscayne Bay Tarpon often eat only shrimp and won't touch a mullet. So check out Ryan Joupi's Tarpon.

Captain Jeff Maggio Twitter @Lunkerdog


Video via BDSMobile


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