Tarpon Video | Get Out My Face

Fort Lauderdale - Bait is tough out there right now. Well not really, but I'm still seeing alot of anglers struggling out there to catch bait. There seems to be a bit of confusion out there so lets clear things up first. Happy Bait is over. What does this mean? It means that you have to do more than just take a 4ft net to the beach and blind toss it into the shore break. Those days are over. Now we are passed Happy Bait you won't see as many Googs down there as were around in late September and early October when the Mullet Run was the most obvious thing on the beach. Most of those guys you saw down there will have chunked their gear back into the garage for another year. Which is fine by me. Cause there is still bait out there. We are gonna continue to break news on the Mullet Run Twitter and best believe that we are gonna be catching fish.

This video is from about 8 years ago. Its Captain Jeff and Fresh Water Rob and a decent river Tarpon in downtown Fort Lauderdale. But the highlight of the video is the two guys that were fishing the seawall just off-camera commenting on Rob and his fish. Enjoy, and get out there and catch some fish.


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