Mullet Run 2010 Pre Pod Action

Fort Lauderdale - We all know those guys, or at least we run into them down at the beach or your favorite fishing spot, that insist they actually like throwing plugs better than fishing with live bait. And we all think the same thing, "Dude can't get bait" am I right what. We have all run into that dude. He's all geared up, he's got the custom fishing rod, the expensive reel, the Costa Del Mar sunglasses, and the Crocs. Then you notice he's throwing a plug when there are a gazillion live bait swimming right under his nose. Ive never understood that way of thinking, why fish with a plug when you could be fishing with live bait. Well maybe some people aren't as committed to getting baait as others, and they are content to fishing with plugs and not catching anything while the next guy is willing to do whatever it takes to get bait.

The following video is an example of going to extremes to get bait. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SWIM WITH A CASTNET IN THE SURF IN RIP CURRENTS.


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