Happy Bait Fun Fishing for Jacks and Tarpon

Fort Lauderdale- The word is out. The finger mullet are in town and you can tell that because you can see all the Happy Baiters on the beaches and bridges with their cast nets. Late afternoon you can spot fisherman staking their spots along the shore, and its that time of the year when people can a decent Jack from shore. So yesterday afternoon, I went out for a spot hopping session with Captain Jeff and Website Mike and a bait well filled with a few hundred finger mullet just to see what we could get into. It didn't take but a few flips to get into the jacks and a cudas, but we just weren't seeing any tarpon around. In fact the tarpon didn't turn on until the sun went down. Thats a tip right there. As usual the video is edited in a confusing manor as to not give up the spots.

But if you were really serious about getting bait you would be following us on the Twitter.


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