2009 Mullet Run Wrap Up

Well we all waited with great anticipation. Checking our spots over and over just praying for the run to start to gaining momentum. No momentum no consistancy and many fake outs. I really can not complain though, the fishing was good and almost of all my clients went home happy. Only a few clients actually got to see "Happy Bait". Just after our one and only cold front the bait started to scream by Fort Lauderdale. From my estimates 80% of the bait including all sizes and all species moved by our coast during the four day period after that last cold front. Most every body pretty much gave up on Happy Bait except for a few diehards. Happy bait was a little tough this year but I hope you guys found a little "Happy Bait" to get you by until next year. We have Sailfish and Tarpon to look forward to this winter so good luck out there! Stay tuned to the www.lunkerblog.blogspot.com for on going blogs about fishing South Florida Thanks to all you guys who participated and...